Wednesday, December 4, 2019

BTECH Health and Social Care

Question: Discuss two theories of ageing in relation to the development of an individual from the case study and will also reflect on health and social care sector to evaluate how the process of ageing and the theories of ageing can influence the provision of health and social care. Answer: This assignment aims to discuss two theories of ageing in relation to the development of an individual from the case study and will also reflect on health and social care sector to evaluate how the process of ageing and the theories of ageing can influence the provision of health and social care. The chosen case study is concerned with an 84-yaer-old woman named Ivy, who attends a day care centre for the older people. She talks about her experiences in the day centre she complains regarding the food which is served in the day care and points out that it is not very good. She states that she gets tired out on the days when she arrives here since there is so much of the activity to keep fit the old age people. Though she enjoys these activities, she gets breathless and admits that is a matter of her increasing age. She also states that she feels cold these days, though the staff of the day dare always complains that it is too hot. She, on the other hand never feels warmth enough in the day care. By considering the situations of Ivy, it can be acknowledged that she is experiencing all these symptoms due to her increasing age. Ageing refers to the process of becoming older. Talking about humans, ageing is involved with the accumulation of alterations over a period of time, including physical, mental and social alterations. It is one of the greatest factors of risk for a number of diseases in humans[1]. The two theories of ageing which are concerned with this case study involve Disengagement theory, which was proposed by Cumming and Henry in the year 1961. According to this theory, the process of ageing is perceived as a task of development involving its individual norms and suitable behavioral patterns. These patterns of behavior are involved a mutual accord between the aged individuals and the society on a mutual withdrawal[2]. This particular argues that it is natural and adequate for the old persons for withdrawal from the society. The second theory which can be taken into consideration with respect to this case study is the Activity theory which is also known as the implicit theory of ageing. According to this theory, the process of ageing occurs successfully, when the older adults to remain active and maintain societal interactions. It develops the perception that the process of aging is delayed as well as the quality of life is improved when the older individuals stay socially active. The two discussed theories were significant in outlining the successful process of ageing in the early years of 1960[3]. Another thing which is to be taken into consideration with respect to the case study is the four services of health which are as follows: Meals and Wheels The meals should be provided to the older individuals who cannot cook food for themselves and stay alone. The government should think to develop the strategy of meals and wheels so that they can help the older adults in getting a proper food[4]. NHS- The older adults who are ill and seek medical attention should be offered free health care service so that they can recover from their illness and lead a healthy life. Care home- A care home is basically a small establishment which is concerned with the accommodation as well as care of the older individuals who are not able to look after themselves. Care homes should be provided to the older adults who do not have an accommodation and those who require care as well as support. The older individuals generally need someone who can take care of them and could provide help and support to them in every possible way[5]. General practitioner referral- A referral to a general practitioner is when the General practitioner refers the individuals to other healthcare organizations to help them with their conditions of illness and benefit them in every possible way. If the general practitioner does not think that a referral is to be made to the specialist for the treatment of the disease, the individuals can also opt to consult with other specialists for their treatment[6]. Lastly, it can be said that the patient in the case study needs to be provided care by considering all these services of health in and efficient manner. Bibliography Andrews, N., et al. "Developing Evidence-Enriched Practice in Health and Social Care with Older People."A Better Life Programme, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York(2015). Gallo, Joseph J., et al. "Long term effect of depression care management on mortality in older adults: follow-up of cluster randomized clinical trial in primary care." (2013): f2570. Heart, Tsipi, and Efrat Kalderon. "Older adults: are they ready to adopt health-related ICT?."International journal of medical informatics82.11 (2013): e209-e231. Lowes, Lesley, and Ian Hulatt, eds.Involving service users in health and social care research. Routledge, 2013. Sitar, Mustafa Erinc, et al. "CURRENT ASPECTS OF AGEING THEORIES AND CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO MECHANISMS."Turkish Journal of Geriatrics/Trk Geriatri Dergisi16.3 (2013). Veerbeek, Marjolein, et al. "Mental health care Monitor Older adults (MEMO): monitoring patient characteristics and outcome in Dutch mental health services for older adults."International journal of methods in psychiatric research22.2 (2013): 100-109.

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